Police & Fire

Police Blotter: Disorderly Person at Tileston and Unity Streets

bpd logo district a-1 clearReported incidents from this week’s Boston Police Log are shown below, courtesy of BPD District A-1.

Disorderly Person
4/13/14  –  11:44pm
Female suspect arrested at Tileston and Unity Streets after causing a disturbance in the street. Suspect left her motor vehicle parked on the sidewalk and was refusing to move it.









15 Replies to “Police Blotter: Disorderly Person at Tileston and Unity Streets

  1. I just spoke to a couple of priests who have been calling the Police Dept. every weekend because under their windows
    where they sleep, cars pull in & these kids are drinking & have their car radio full blast and this goes on until 4 a.m. in
    the morning. They have called the police numerous times and nobody has shown up, and this has been going on
    for years. What the hell is going on? Where are the police, and why should our priests have to be subjected to this?

    1. oh c’mon. i’m sure they are nice boys and girls just visting grandma in the north end. i noticed a large contingent of teen between the skating rink and new eliot school monday night around 11:30 pm after having just seen the police have a couple ofthers stopped near copp’s hill along commercial. hopefully the police crack down this year and understand these are a bunch of punks who come in on weekends and especially during feasts and cause havoc on the neigborhood. they can always been found in the same places causing the same trouble, so the police have no excuses for not taking care of the situation and sending them back to their own neighborhoods north of the city. on second though, how about some arrests.

  2. We will mention this to the police at the next Public Safety Meeting, which will take place on Thursday 5/1/14 @ 6.30pm @ the Nazzaro Center.


    -David Marx-
    NEWNC Public Safety Committee Chair

    1. Between last summer and last night, I have called the police over thirty times to report the large groups of teens drinking alcohol and fighting behind the skating rink, sometimes in front of it on Commercial street. Most times the police do not come. On the rare occasion that they do come, they refuse to even get out of their cars. They never make arrests so these kids keep coming back. Last night two of the kids in the group had blood all over their shirts and running down their faces. I called 911 to report it and of course no police came. Many times when you call back they tell you that officers responded but it’s not true. Wait until one of these kids gets shot or raped behind the rink, the police will be on t.v. saying they had no idea what was going on back there.

      1. Vinny, last summer I was visiting a friend at the MGH who was recuperating from surgery.I planned to to attend the opening festivities of St. Agrippina’s feast and a dedication to a long time society member{Larry M] who had recently passed away. I decided to walk from the hospital to the feast.As I was walking on Commercial St at the corner of Henchman I noticed a couple turn the corner onto commercial St. The male was so drunk [as well as underage] that he was staggering and swaying from one side of the sidewalk to the other so to avoid a possible confrontation I decided to on the street.As I turned the corner onto Hanover There are two motorcycle cops wearing their aviator shades “chitchatting” with two 20 something g females oblivious to what’s happening around them.Now these ops had to have seen this kid who was obviously underage and clearly intoxicated walk by them but apparently they had other things on their mind.

      2. I believe that most of these kids are underage and drinking in dark place believing nobody knows they are there. Many of us do know they are there! The police should be taking these kids into protective custody, calling their parents (who have no idea what their child is doing) and tell the parent that if their child gets caught one more time, he/she will be arrested. Hopefully, the actions by the police department will curtail some of this underage drinking and disturbances in our community.

  3. Saw the police (uniform and undercover) turn huge spotlights on the baseball field the other night- a particularly mild night.

    It looked like rats scattering.

  4. If the Police really wanted to do their jobs, there would be at least 4 cops on Hanover St. & 3 on Salem St every Fri. &
    Sat. Night, but it will not take place because the City is trying to project the N. E. as being a safe place to visit. N.Y.C
    has cops on every other corner, and in the N.E. they want the restaurants to pay for details, and they won’t budge and
    they can more than afford to do it, but there is no enforcement in this neighborhood, and this is the results.

    1. not a bad idea, but i think an officer on charter, endicott, commercial, and prince would be a lot more valuable to north end residents.

      1. This would help way more than having officers on just Hanover and Salem streets. The vandalism and sexual assaults are not happening on Hanover street. Anyone who lives here can name the three or four locations in the neighborhood that have been taken over by teens from other towns and drug users.

  5. Truth, That is a great idea. The City can be responsible for the streets you mentioned, and all the restaurants on
    Hanover & Salem Sts. and surrounding areas can divide the police detail, which is a tax write-off at the end of the year.

  6. Why should restaurants have to pay for police details? Just because they have money? They don’t owe anyone anything they work hard for their money

  7. Jim,if restaurants and bars are making money from their patrons and customers they owe the patrons the assurance that they are safe in their establishments.The problem with many restaurants and bars is that they share your philosophy that they want your money but as a consumer owe you nothing.

  8. Jim, The owners aren’t working half as hard as the help. The wait staff are working mandatory doubles and I think
    since Boston is becoming bigger than ever, I hope somebody comes in all these neighborhoods and starts a union
    for Bartenders, Waiters, Hostesses & Valets. All the Hotels have Unions and I think these over worked people are
    entitled to those same benefits hotels have. Remember, whatever benefits the Restaurants give their employees is
    a Tax Write Off at the end of the Year, including Police Detail, which is the safer way to go, versus the Bouncer at
    the door, who in so many cases gets a little carried away, including murder; as in N.Y.C. when the Bouncer killed a
    Mass. student. The Restaurant/Bars are making huge amounts of money and the Police Detail might be a lot more
    civilized than the Bouncer at the door, and may eliminate lawsuits against the establishments.

    1. So because groups of teens drink at the baseball fields business owners should have to pay for police details for their restaurants?? And if you don’t think the owners of these restaurants and bars work hard you are really ignorant and misinformed

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