North End Chamber of Commerce Meeting
Tuesday March 4th, 2014, 3:30 PM
St. Leonard’s Hall, 35 Prince Street
We’ve got some great new changes coming up and information on new programs for chamber members. We’ve got all the details laid out for you on what we will be discussing on March 4th. Check them out:
1. Welcome – NECC VP Toni Gilardi
2. Board Members and New Members
- Introduce new Board members / Role Changes
- Chris Young – 1st VP
- Lina Buttiri – Treasurer
- Introduce New Chamber Members
- Meet Marjorie – New NECC secretary
3. Treasurer’s Report from Chris Young
- Membership report and current account balance
- Payments on Web-site
4. Trash Meeting & Update
- VP Toni Gilardi – Report
5. Advertising & Promotion Projects for Spring 2014
- “ Dine, Shop, & Stay 2014”
- – Bonus Book & Brochures for Faneuil Hall
- – Marjorie Magliocca & Rev. Steve Ayres
- Chris Young Reporting on Other Activities
- Spring Stroll
Announcements From Members:
NECC Supporting – Taste of the North End
– Held on Friday, May 2, 2014 @ DCR’s Steriti Memorial Rink
– Fundraising goal of $200,000
– NECC will be contributing a donation of $1000.00
April 1st 2014 – Breakfast Meeting
– The Battery Wharf Fairmont Hotel at 8:00 AM
Open Discussion: We want to hear from you!
– Questions, Issues, Suggestions
View more community happenings on the Events Calendar.
Agenda item “Dine, Shop and Stay” ironic after the Market Lounge bouncers threw Eric Munsell out into sub-freezing temps and refused him his coat, even after he returned begging for it. A caring party of friends was also not made aware of his ouster. Add to your agenda: how to care for intoxicated patrons, or it will be “Friends don’t let friends party in Boston.”
Dr. Medley, As a mother and grandmother I can only imagine the horror and despair of the Munsell family having to deal with this incident. Please don’t judge all the restaurant owners and workers in the Boston area based on what happened at the Market Lounge.