Each November, the Boston Public Schools begin the school choice process for the next year. But this year will be different. Changes to the student assignment plan will significantly change the school choices available to families, and improve the chances of getting a seat in the nearest schools. Today, BPS launched a new website to help parents learn about their school choices at www.DiscoverBPS.org. The site should be useful to help parents identify schools they may be interested in learning more about.
BPS has also planned a series of events to help families learn more about each school. This year they are launching Showcase In Our Schools, with all schools serving grades K0 to 8 opening their doors for parent visits on November 16th from 9 am to 1 pm. Learn more about this event, and other School Preview Days, at the BPS website link at the bottom of this post.
Families entering Kindergarten, 6th or 9th grade next year should register for schools in January – the chances of obtaining your choices are much better in the first round of registration. (K2 is the traditional kindergarten program for children who will be age five by September 1; K1 is a growing but limited pre-school program for children who will be four; and K0 is a pre-school program with limited availability for children who will be three.)
If you know families with children, please let them know about the chance to learn more about Boston Public Schools on November 16th (particularly those with children who will be five by September 1, 2014).
Learn more about the Showcase in the Schools on November 16th
The North End’s Eliot K-8 Innovation School will be participating on November 16th as well as the following preview days. These are additional opportunities for parents to visit and meet with school leaders and staff:
- Tuesday, December 3, 5:30-7:00pm
- Wednesday, December 11, 10-11:30am
- Thursday, December 19, 7:00-8:30am
- Tuesday, January 7, 10:00-11:30am
See DiscoverBPS.org for more on the previews.
See DowntownSchools.org for more from Downtown Schools for Boston.
Hi my name is Tanisha I am the mother of DavonTaylor and he is in the 5grade and right now he goes to the Chaning Elementary school in hydepark and have a IEP for dyslexia and I was wondering if your school take kids with severe dyslexia or disability and he stay to his self ever since in been in schools I would to see if any can help push him forward to partcipaton with other peers thank feel free to call me or email me at (617)6422170 my email is tanishataylor30@yahoo.com
Have a nice day