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Photo of the Day: Columbus Day Family Fun with the Friends

Monday’s family fun Columbus Day celebration had its largest turnout since the Friends of Christopher Columbus starting running the annual event. In addition to Christopher Columbus on stilts, several dignitaries joined in including Italian Deputy Consul Luigi Munno, Boston Veteran Affairs Commissioner Francisco Urena, State Senator Anthony Petruccelli, State Representative Aaron Michlewitz and City Councilor Sal LaMattina. NEMPAC’s Executive Director Sherri Snow and crew were on hand participating in the event as was Eliot School Principal Traci Walker Griffith whose son, Joey, sang God Bless America during the ceremony. Leading the Friends group is Joanne Hayes-Rines with dedicated community volunteers including event coordinators Ann Babbit and Mary Marenghi. Of course, the stars of the show were dozens of neighborhood kids that came out to enjoy the festivities in the park. More photos coming!

One Reply to “Photo of the Day: Columbus Day Family Fun with the Friends

  1. Matt,
    As usual you have managed to capture the Spirit and Vitality of an Event that is pure joy. The weather was perfect. The substantial fun filled Program offered something for everyone.
    North End residents have full bragging rights on this one. It’s the best of the best. Kudos to the very talented FOCCP Team for their energy, vision and successful collaboration.A perfect
    day with a very special ending.

    See you at the Trellis lighting,

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