
North Enders Stand Out for the Re-Election of District 1 City Councilor Sal LaMattina

North End residents organized a “stand-out” on Cross Street plaza in support of re-electing District 1 City Councilor Sal LaMattina on Tuesday afternoon. The location has become a high visibility spot for such events as the signs are intended to gain the attention of passing rush hour drivers along the Greenway and entering I-93. Councilor LaMattina faces fellow East Boston resident, Brian Gannon, for the District 1 seat in the municipal city election on November 5, 2013.

Photo by David Marx.

One Reply to “North Enders Stand Out for the Re-Election of District 1 City Councilor Sal LaMattina

  1. I took this pic last night.


    Great seeing everyone involved, as always!

    Go, Sal!

    -David Marx-

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