4 Replies to “Neighborhood Photo: North End Group Scare on Halloween Weekend

  1. Wow what amazing costumes and a great bunch of young adults. Hate to chose best costume as I had so many of these “kids” in class at SJS and have fond memories of them! However…although I love Louis S’s face, I have to go with Kristin S’s – dazzling headpiece – great outfit.
    So nice to see that they all are still connected!

  2. Kristen (w/ head piece) went as a Nor’Easter. We also had Ron & Veronica Corningstone, deer in the headlights, Sofia Grace & Rosie, Jane & John Doe, zombie newleyweds, Popeye, hard salami, woopie cushion, 80’s valley girl, Farmer & the Mrs. Dell, crips gang member, Robin & Poison Ivy cheating on Batman, pre-surgery bikini patient, mr. & mrs. sexy skeleton, phyco killer, The Hulk, dr. shots, cheeseburger, Woody & Jessie, elephant boy.

  3. How nice to see our North End’s Young Extended Family having such fun!!!! Good for them !!! Creativity at it’s BEST !!!!
    I could NEVER choose one winner~~they are all so Great !!

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