Four teachers from St. John School, Margaret Betts, Valerie Mahillon, Beth Picknally and Meghan Warner, participated in this year’s CSF Summer Technology Academy hosted by The Catholic Schools Foundation, the Catholic Schools Office, Lynch Foundation, Lynch School of Education at Boston College, and the Roche Center for Catholic Education at Boston College.
After the huge success of last year’s academy, this year’s event played host to 123 Catholic elementary and middle school teachers from 60 schools in the Archdiocese for 2 days of training in classroom iPad technology. The intent of the program is to bridge the gap between curriculum and technology.
Teachers had the benefit of two tracks this year, including beginner / intermediate and advanced, in order to better meet the growing needs of schools. Teachers were selected from a pool of 240 teachers. The beginner / intermediate track introduced new teachers to iPad technology uses in the classroom and teachers with previous experience or who had attended the Tech Academy last year were in the advanced track. Many of the instructors are teachers who participated in last year’s event.