Food & Drink

Trattoria di Monica Renovations Underway for Expansion on Prince Street

Trattoria di Monica has started renovations for its expansion on Prince Street, near the corner of Salem Street. BHTIB’s Adam Castiglioni walked by the other day and shares this photo. The expansion space was most recently Il Truinfo, a short-lived Mexican restaurant. Prior to that, the location was occupied by Allisa Cohen’s raw restaurant, Grezzo. The Mendoza brothers have been busy lately, also expanding nearby Monica’s Mercato.

5 Replies to “Trattoria di Monica Renovations Underway for Expansion on Prince Street

  1. Could not be more pleased with the Mendozas’ expansions on the Salem & Prince corner. Great businesses with responsible ownership (unlike another business on the same corner . . .). Looking forward to the openings (even if it won’t be until late Summer).

    FYI – It was “El Triunfo” not “Il” – Il is Italian, and El is Spanish.

  2. The Mendoza family is a devoted group of hard working men. Focused on high quality foods and services. The completion of the Salem street location will be a major asset to the North End. Good Luck.

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