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Parents, Neighbors, Friends (and Bruins) Come Out to Support the Eliot School at Monica’s Dinner [Photos]

It was a delicious fundraising event on Tuesday at the third annual “Evening for Education” in support of the John Eliot K-8 School in the North End. The Mendoza family welcomed parents, neighbors and friends to a special wine pairing dinner at their restaurant, Vinoteca di Monica on Richmond Street. Hosting the November 13, 2012 event were Eliot School parents and North End residents, Jorge and Karen Mendoza.

Adding to the festivities at Monica’s were special guests, Milan Lucic and Johnny Boychuk from the Boston Bruins. Traci Walker Griffith, Principal of the Eliot School, attended along with several teachers and staff members. Bud Ris, a North End resident and President of the New England Aquarium, was there along with the heads of two neighborhood groups, NEWNC President Stephen Passacantilli and NEWRA President Jim Salini. State Rep. Aaron Michlewitz also stopped by to show his support.

The annual dinner is in its third year, raising about $20,000 each time for the Family Council 501c(3) that supports the educational activities at the public Eliot K-8 school on Charter Street. The K-8 school is currently expanding its classes and programs as it phases into new space at the North Bennet Street School, which is moving to North Street.

Photos by Matt Conti. Download hi-res versions and order prints here.

Monica’s Dinner to Benefit the Eliot School – Nov 2012


Boston Bruins Players, Johnny Boychuk (left) and Milan Lucic (right) join with Monica’s owner, Jorge Mendoza, to support the Eliot School.


Monica’s Karen Mendoza (left) and Eliot School Principal, Traci Walker Griffith.

Eliot School parents join in the fundraiser to benefit the school. From the left, Jennifer, Art, Fran, Joy and Dana. 
From the left, Vinoteca di Monica’s owner and host Jorge Mendoza, NEWNC President Stephen Passacantilli and State Rep. Aaron Michlewitz.

From the left, NEWRA President Jim Salini, Robin Moody, and Pasqua Scibelli supporting the Eliot School at the fundraising dinner.

Lindsay, Lydia and Marie at Monica’s

From the left, Zach, Jason and Giancarlo of Core Property Group

From the left, Katie, Jody, Ally and Amy at Monica’s Dinner to Benefit Eliot School

From the left, Chad, Shane, Ann and Sean at Monica’s

Frank (left) and Bud Ris, President of the New England Aquarium at the Eliot School dinner

On the left, Bill and Marguerite Ferullo with Barb Peterlin at the Monica’s Dinner to Benefit the Eliot School

Dom and Denise at the Eliot School fundraiser – November 2012

Jorge Mendoza, in the kitchen at Vinoteca di Monica

From the left, Domenic, Wayne and John at Monica’s to support the Eliot School

The McHugh’s at Monica’s Dinner to Benefit the Eliot School

Matt and Chad at Vinoteca di Monica’s to Benefit the Eliot School

Dominic and Tanya at Monica’s fundraiser for the Eliot School

From the left, Gretchen, Luisa and Priscilla at the Monica’s fundraiser to help the Eliot School