
Poll: John Connolly Versus Tom Menino for Boston Mayor

Boston City Councilor-at-large, John Connolly, has officially announced that he is running to be the next Mayor of Boston. Meanwhile, the longest sitting mayor of Boston, Thomas M. Menino, has yet to say whether he will seek a sixth term. However, the 20-year incumbent said “Let’s have a nice, good campaign,” in response to the Connolly announcement, according to the Globe. There are likely other candidates waiting in the wings, but in a hypothetical 2-man race, who would you vote for?

Web polls are unscientific and represent only self-selected participants.

Please note that a series of votes were identified as duplicates by checking the source IP addresses. Those duplicates were deleted and we have increased the level of restriction. The current count is now correct reflecting only one vote per IP address. Apologies for any confusion.

John Connolly, shown here on the far left at last year’s City Council inauguration has announced his candidacy to be the next Mayor of Boston. Longtime incumbent Mayor Thomas Menino is shown at the podium on the far right. (Photo by Matt Conti)


3 Replies to “Poll: John Connolly Versus Tom Menino for Boston Mayor

  1. Take a look at all of the new construction in the city. There are 44 new residential buildings under construction or planned in the city right now. All under Mayor Menino. I would not want to change this. Construction is a great source of jobs for the city and help by both adding more new residents and filling in the empty holes in the fabric of our city.

  2. Eric, You are right in regards to the Construction going on
    in the City and regardless who is Mayor, it is never going
    to stop. I think it is wonderful that Boston is an extremely
    prosperous City, even though they keep on crying poor
    mouth when in comes to Trash & Noise Situations, and
    let us not forget Snow Removal..

    We definitely need a Mayor who is going to put a halt on
    Liquor Licenses (91) is far more than our share compared
    to the rest of the City, and the Fines have to be increased
    and enforced. Most of the Trash Fines haven’t even been
    paid, and none of us Residents ever get reports on
    who is being fined and if they are paying them.

    The North End is extremely filthy and I feel cameras
    should be installed where there are Trash & Noise &
    Vandalism Problems and let us get these Misfits out of
    our Neighborhood for once and for all.

    People love the North End and every problem we have is
    easily correctable with Enforcement and Stiff Fines.

    Boston should be immaculate, and I feel most of our
    problems are due to Absentee Landlords, who only
    think of their properties as CASH COWS, neither the
    Absentee Landlord and the People they rent to care
    about what the Neighborhood looks like.

    Hopefully, the construction will continue and the
    Hidden Jewel , the North End will be Cleaner than Ever.

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