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Commentary on Not Having a Traditional High School Graduation Ceremony
COVID-19 canceled celebrations, graduation speeches, prom, and other events for the class of 2020. When they will attend their 25th high school reunion in 2045, what will these students remember of their senior year? For most high school seniors, the first week of June usually means walking at graduation and completing the traditional rites of passage Read More…
It’s Not Too Late! Friends of Christopher Columbus Park Gala on Friday, November 4th
It’s not too late! We hope you can join us! Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Friends of Christopher Columbus Park cordially invite you to an elegant evening to support the Gem of the North End and Waterfront. We will be celebrating this Friday, November 4, 2016 – 6:30 to 11:00 pm at Boston Harbor Read More…
Neighborhood Photo: Procession Recalls Famous Album Cover
Does this picture remind you of a famous album cover? It did for Vincent Morreale who shares the photo of children on their way to First Communion crossing Hanover Street. He adds, “We got a chuckle out of this “Abbey Road“-style view!”