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Boston City Council Considers Mask Ban
Some members of the Boston City Council are considering a ban on wearing masks during protests and in other public spaces. The council held a hearing earlier this week to discuss the proposed ordinance. The potential new changes come after counter protests to the Straight Pride Parade in August where more than a dozen protesters Read More…
Patriots Day and Spring School Vacation Programs at the Paul Revere House
The latest news and programs from the Paul Revere House: Every year, the anniversary of Paul Revere’s Ride provides a great excuse for visiting Boston in April. We hope you will visit the Revere House early and often in 2012. Unless otherwise noted, events are free with museum admission: adults $3.50, seniors and college students Read More…
Monday’s Brief: Walsh Cuts Police Overtime Budget, Author Talk, Dining Out After Quarantine
Today is Monday, June 15 and more than 7,000 people have signed a petition to remove the statue of Abraham Lincoln standing over a freed slave on his knee at the Emancipation memorial in Park Square downtown, read more on Here’s what else you need to know for the week ahead… 6:00PM Author Talk: Read More…