Neighborhood Photo of the Day:
It’s been non-stop tree lightings in the North End and around Boston. One with a bit less ceremony, but seen by hundreds each day, is at the Nazzaro Community Center where North Ender Nick Verrocchi put it all together, shown below adding the final touches.

Did you take a great photo? Send it in.
What’s Going On in the North End / Waterfront
On Monday night, 7pm, the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council, NEWNC, meets at the Nazzaro Center, 30 N. Bennet Street. The meeting is open to the public. See the agenda.
Find out the details on upcoming events and meetings in the Events Calendar.
What’s new on the blog – The North End’s Famous Shops!
Buon Natale Holiday Shopping Stroll photos … see them all here!
Santa! Santa! Santa!
The line was around the block as kids waited “patiently” to see Santa at the 18th Annual Christmas Program presented by the Sant’ Agrippina di Mineo Benefit Society. See the photos.
Spreading Holiday Cheer
It’s the time of year to reach out to all our neighbors. That’s what the St. Leonard Choral Society did by bringing their musical talents to the North End Community Nursing Home. Check out the scene here.
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