Community Event Notices

ABCD Center Holiday Appeal for Donations

Happy holidays!  Many of the 2,400 clients we serve a year in the North End, West End, and surrounding neighborhoods are immigrants, elderly, non-English speaking, homebound, disabled, and alone.  They are the “hidden poor” and without the NE/WE NSC, would have been forced out long ago by gentrification, soaring rents, and failing health.  As senior citizens on a fixed income, our elderly are facing hunger once again in a time of economic uncertainty, rising rents and energy costs, and the increase in food prices.  Food providers such as ourselves are serving bigger crowds at lunch and watching with worry as the food stores in our pantries decrease to meet a growing need of hungry neighbors.

We are asking you to please send a donation in the largest
amount you can comfortably afford today. The NE/WE NSC realizes that
you are faced with many hard choices this holiday season and thank you
for making it possible for us to make available the precious,
sustainable gift of food to your neighbors.  A $50 contribution would
provide two bags of fresh and non-perishable groceries for an elderly
man or woman living alone…$100 would purchase 4 holiday food baskets
for homebound seniors who have no visitors…$500 would provide a
homemade, 4 course lunch for two crowds of roughly 100 persons each…
and of course we welcome any donation, large or small.

Should you wish to make a donation, please mail to:

The North End/West End Neighborhood Service Center
1 Michelangelo Street
Boston, MA 02113

If you have any questions, please contact Lia Tota, Director, at 617-523-8125, Ext. 201.