Old North’s annual Blessing of the Animals Ceremony brought dozens of pets and humans to the Prado despite the drizzly weather on Sunday afternoon. The service commemorates the life of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals.
Rev. Steve Ayers, Vicar, and Rev. Matt Kruger, Asst. Vicar, of the Old North Church gave brief readings from scripture and prayers. Pets of all shapes and sizes were also individually blessed by Old North’s clergy. There were plenty of homemade treats for people and dogs.
Adding to the community involvement, RUFF, Responsible Urbanites for Fido, had a large presence at the event giving out ribbons and sharing information about the new neighborhood group for pet owners. The group arranged for Animal Control to to be on hand to answer questions and provide license applications. The Animal Rescue League also had a veterinarian present to administer shots for dogs.

Photos by Matt Conti. Download high resolution versions and order prints here.