Health & Environment

Animal Rescue League of Boston Recognizes Late North End Resident, Christine Barton

The newly constructed Feline Suite at the Animal Rescue League has been named in memory of longtime volunteer and late North End resident, Christine Barton. Shy and fractious cats surrendered to the Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) shelter sometimes struggle in the traditional kennel environment. The newly renovated Feline Suite at ARL’s Boston shelter gives these Read More…

Event Notices

North End Dog Clinic is a Big Success [Photos]

Despite the bad weather on Tuesday night, the Dog Licensing and Rabies Clinic was a big success with over 30 dogs showing up at the event for licensing and vaccinations.  Cats were also welcome to receive vaccinations. The open clinic was held at the Nazzaro Center on March 19, 2013, put on by Boston Animal Read More…

Arts & Culture Photos & Videos

Dogs, Fish and Their Human Owners Braved the Weather for the Annual Blessing of the Animals

Old North’s annual Blessing of the Animals Ceremony brought dozens of pets and humans to the Prado despite the drizzly weather on Sunday afternoon. The service commemorates the life of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. Rev. Steve Ayers, Vicar, and Rev. Matt Kruger, Asst. Vicar, of the Old North Church gave Read More…