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Neighborhood Council, NEWNC, Votes to Support Three Zoning Requests; Michlewitz Talks Greenway [Video]


Monday night’s public meeting of the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council, NEWNC, was well-attended with several zoning-related agenda items before the council at the Nazzaro Community Center. NEWNC is an elected council of 12 North End / Waterfront residents that makes advisory recommendations to city officials, primarily on zoning and licensing issues in the neighborhood.

The full video from the meeting is shown above in this post. (Times of individual items shown in parenthesis.)

(01:30) State Rep. Aaron Michlewitz updated the council on the status of pending legislation regarding the Greenway Conservancy that passed the House last month. The legislation would include a Board seat for NEWNC as well as the Residents’ Association, NEWRA, among other neighborhood groups surrounding the parks. (See House Passes Legislation for Greenway Conservancy Reform; Adds Neighborhood Representation.)

NEWNC Committee Chairs provided updates for the following:

  • (07:30) Resident Parking/Traffic Committee – Ryan Kenny
  • (08:20) Public Safety Committee – David Marx
  • (12:30) Greenway Committee – Bill Lane

The following votes were taken at the meeting.

(14:40) 536 Commercial St., Dr. Akhy Kahn: The applicant is seeking permission to construct a new wood deck on the existing roof of the 4-story, single family and to increase the size of the existing head house in order to house a new code complaint staircase up to the new roof deck.  The new homeowners are in the process of converting an existing three-family building into a single family residence. The proposed roof deck will be for their private use only.

After nearly 45 minutes of discussion, NEWNC voted 6-1 in support of the proposed head house and floor-to-area (FAR) zoning variance requests. No vote was taken regarding the requested roof deck.

The roof deck issue was the most contentiously debated item between several abutters and the applicant at the meeting. All the abutters opposed the roof deck, noting this is the first time they have seen the plans proposed by the applicant. NEWNC took a pass on the roof deck issue and decided not to take a vote. The abutters were told to instead appear before the ZBA with their opposition. This same application will also come up at NEWRA on Thursday where members may choose to issue an advisory vote to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The ZBA hears the application on August 7, 2012 (City Hall, Room 801, 10:00 am) and will make the final determination.


(1:02:00) 7 Baldwin Place, Dr. Anthony V. Bova:  The applicant has filed an application with the Zoning Board of Appeals for zoning relief to change the legal occupancy of the building from 5 residential apartments to 6 residential apartments, adding a one story addition to the existing building, not to exceed 55 feet in height.

NEWNC voted 8-0 in support of the application as proposed. One proviso was that the applicant work with an abutter regarding light and shadow concerns.


(1:23:00) 4 Powers Court, Rick Adams:  The owner is seeking to construct a 1-story vertical addition, including a penthouse.

NEWNC voted 8-0 in support of the application as proposed.

The application for 55 N. Washington St., Michelle Holdings (former Tecce’s building) deferred its appearance before the council. The council noted the application may be completely withdrawn. Instead of a restaurant, the property owner may decide to seek a conversion to residential use.

For more information about NEWNC, see