
Commercial Wharf’s Yacht Haven and Harborwalk on ConComm April 4, 2012 Agenda

The April 4, 2012 agenda for the Boston Conservation Commission. Boston Boat Basin, LLC (Yacht Haven) is scheduled for 6:00 pm.


In accordance with the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L. Chapter 131, Section 40, the Boston Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing in Boston City Hall, Room 801 on April 4, 2012 to review the following projects to determine what conditions, if any, the Commission will impose in order to protect the interests of the public and private water supply, ground water, prevention of pollution, flood control, prevention of storm damage, protection of fisheries and land containing shellfish, and protection of wildlife habitat:

[box]6:00 PM Request to amend Order of Conditions DEP File No. 006-1244 from Boston Boat Basin LLC, to replace existing floats and remove and install existing and new piles at 87 Commercial Wharf, North End, Boston Inner Harbor (Land Under Ocean, Fish Run).
Continued from the March 7, 2012 Public Hearing

6:15 PM Notice of Intent from the Massachusetts Port Authority for drainage improvements as part of the rehabilitation of Runway 15R-33L and a portion of Taxiway C, involving replacement of deteriorated asphalt pavement, installation of trench drains and drainage pads at catch basin locations, Logan International Airport, East Boston (Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage, 100-foot Buffer Zone to Coastal Bank).

6:30 PM Notice of Intent from Boston Harbor Industrial Development LLC for an environmental mitigation project involving the removal of derelict barges and timber debris from intertidal and subtidal areas off of   Condor Street, East Boston, Boston Inner Harbor (Land Under Ocean, Coastal Beach).

6:45 PM Request for Determination of Applicability from Boston Seaport Boat Charters for the temporary placement of spudded steel floats and wooden pontoon floats for the berthing of vessels, at Border Street, East Boston, Boston Inner Harbor.

7:00 PM Enforcement Order issued to Albert J. Todesca Jr. for the filling and alteration of wetland resource areas and associated 100-foot Buffer Zone without a valid Order of Conditions, Willet Street, West Roxbury.                Continued from the February 15, 2012 Public Hearing

Sign Language interpreters are available upon prior request.  The Commission will hold a public meeting immediately following the last hearing or as appropriate following any hearing.  Plans and filings with the Commission may be viewed at the Environment Department, Boston City Hall, Room 805, during regular business hours, 9 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday.  For more information, call (617) 635-4417.

 For the Commission,

Chris H. Busch, Executive Director