
U.S. Coast Guard and 90 Commercial Wharf Repairs on Agenda for Boston Conservation Commission

The Boston Conservation Commission is holding a public hearing in Boston City Hall, Room 801 on October 19, 2011. Of relevance to the North End / Waterfront area are the following agenda items:

6:30 PM Notice of Intent from the United States Coast Guard for waterfront repairs, including the cleaning and recoating of a steel sheet-pile bulkhead, fiberglass jacketing of two steel pipe piles, cleaning and recoating of steel pipe piles supporting Pier 2, and repairs to a portion of timber fender system at Pier 2, 427 Commercial Street, North End, Boston Inner Harbor (Land Under Ocean).

6:45 PM Notice of Intent from DCK Realty Trust for structural repairs to an existing building and foundation repairs, including the replacement of pile caps and installation of helical anchors, at 90 Commercial Wharf, North End, Boston Inner Harbor (Land Under Ocean).

View the full hearing notice (pdf).