
Mercato del Mare Receives Enthusiastic NEWRA Support

Liz Ventura of Mercato del Mare presents at the NEWRA meeting

Liz Ventura presented to the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association on behalf of Mercato del Mare which she operates with partner, Keri Cassidy. The fish market at 99 Salem Street is seeking approval to add take-out to the retail food market.

Sushi would be the primary take-out item, although the owners could add other selections in the future. Their current license allows them to sell “by the piece or by the pound” but not food that is prepared in front of the customer which is considered takeout.

Victor Brogna, co-chair of NEWRA’s zoning and licensing committee, said he believes that takeout is a conditional use, not a forbidden use. This makes for an easier burden in obtaining the license modification.

David Kubiak, also co-chair of NEWRA’s zoning and licensing committee, spoke in high regard for neighborhood shops expanding their offerings and operations. Secretary Nicky Rafter said she “likes the fish.”

Using a secret ballot, NEWRA members in attendance voted 29 – 0 in favor of the application. NEWRA will write a letter to city authorities to support the proposal.

NEWRA’s vote is in agreement with the recent NEWNC vote in support. Note that both neighborhood groups votes are advisory to city authorities that make the final decision.