Halloween will be here before we know it! For the third year, NEMPAC will host it’s “Pizza Party on the Prado.” This was a huge success last year, and the kids had a ball! Halloween is a Sunday this year. Here are some initial details:
Every retailer/restaurant in the North End/Waterfront will receive a picture of a GHOST WITH TREAT BAG on an orange piece of paper to hang in their window on Halloween if and when they are welcoming treaters. Instead of compiling a list of trick-or-treating participants, please simply look for the GHOSTS WITH TREAT BAGS in windows on Halloween. Trick-or-Treating will begin at 3:00 and go as long as you see a GHOST WITH TREAT BAG in the window of each restaurant/shop/home. Some homes and/or other organizations have asked for a GHOST WITH TREAT BAG picture to hang in their windows in the past. If you would like one or know of anyone who wants one, please let me know via e-mail and I’ll be sure to get one to them. These will be passed out the week before Halloween.
This will take place from 4-6pm on the Prado. There will be live music, games, a craft, prizes, pizza, and more!! All kids and families are welcome. The Prado, North End. Event is Free – Donations will be accepted.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – Contact Melanie at mcrocini@hotmail.com
1. the leg work in passing out ghost signs to restaurants/retailers the week before Halloween.
2. decorating the Prado (on Halloween- probably around noon- decorations will be provided- unless you have something cool, spooky and fun to share/donate!).
3. running a game or the craft during the party. This involves standing at your assigned station, giving directions and help to children and handing out prizes. I realize this is a challenge for those with children attending the party. This could be a perfect job for an older sibling, relative or anyone else willing to help. If we get enough volunteers, we can share the load (i.e. one person “working” a station from 4-5 and another from 5-6).
Please e-mail me as soon as possible if you are able to help with any of the above 3 volunteer requests.
Thanks so much! Halloween is sure to be a spook-tacular night!
Melanie Crocini, mcrocini@hotmail.com