Editor note: This meeting is at 6:30 pm, not 7:00, as originally distributed.
NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING for North End Pilot Program
YEAR-ROUND STREET CLEANING Monday, October 4, 2010
6:30 pm – Nazarro Center
The City of Boston Public Works Department will be implementing year-round expansion of the Posted Street Sweeping Program in the North End. This pilot program is being conducted to combat the accumulation of roadway litter, debris, and potential food sources for rodents during the months of December through March.
Current parking restriction enforcement policy, including ticketing and towing will remain in place during this expansion. Prior to the program start on December 1, comprehensive program information will be distributed throughout the neighborhood.
The pilot program will be evaluated by City agencies and the neighborhood during the Spring of 2011.
A neighborhood meeting will be held on Monday, October 4 at 6:30 PM at the Nazarro Center on North Bennet Street. Representatives of City agencies will be in attendance to present the program and respond to any questions or concerns.
The meeting is co-sponsored by City Councilor Sal LaMattina and the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services.
All interested parties are encouraged to attend.