This weekend, the Saint Agrippina di Mineo Benefit Society celebrated their annual Feast in honor of Saint Agrippina on the corner of Hanover & Battery Streets. Saint Agrippina Di Mineo was a beautiful blond princess who was unmercifully tortured to death by the Emperor Valerian in 256 AD. After her death, her body was taken Read More…
If you walk down Hanover St. today the most noticeable characteristic would be the tremendous number of restaurants and coffee shops, many with long lines of tourists waiting to get in, a very different scene from the mid twentieth century. When I was young there were a half dozen or so upscale North End restaurants; Read More…
In the second of a series, North End Stories interviews Charlie Coppola and Sam Viscione about growing up in the North End during the 1950s on Sheafe Street. The street was known as being one of the most dense places to live in the country. North End Stories is a digital narrative documenting the history Read More…