Business Event Notices

Paul Revere House – Harborfest 2010

PaulRevereHouseFromStreetRemember, all North End residents receive free admission to the Paul Revere House!

During Boston’s Harborfest celebration, be certain to visit the Paul Revere House! Enjoy lively colonial dance music, tour Revere’s historic North End, or chat with the famous patriot while visiting the oldest house in downtown Boston. In summer, the Revere House is open daily from 9:30 AM to 5:15 PM. Admission is $3.50 for adults, $3.00 for seniors and college students, and $1 for children ages 5-17.

MONDAY, JULY 5; 2:30-3:30 PM

Paul Revere’s North End Walking Tours
Adults $5, seniors and college students $4.50, children 5-17 $1.50. Fee includes admission to the Revere House.
Step off the Freedom Trail and through the twisting streets and alleyways of Boston’s North End with an experienced guide. Explore sites often overlooked  by casual visitors like North Square and the locations of Paul Revere’s silversmith shop and foundry. See Old North Church’s steeple, where signal lanterns were shown on the night of Revere’s midnight ride and discover the spot where Revere embarked in a rowboat to begin his expedition. Find out about the North End’s most crowded period when thousands of Irish, Jewish, and Italian immigrants settled there. Your tour concludes with a visit to the site of Boston’s disastrous molasses flood.

THURSDAY, JULY 1; 1:00-3:00
Paul Revere Pottery Hands on Activity
Free with admission to the Revere House
In the early 1900s, immigrant girls decorated tiles, plates, and bowls in a pottery named for Paul Revere. Clay artist Anne Bowen, who makes and sells reproductions of these pieces, invites visitors of all ages to try their hands at copying the chicks, rabbits, and Revere-related motifs for which the pottery was famous. Many of the dishes produced by the pottery were intended for use by children and 21st century kids will be delighted to  color-in and take home copies of these whimsical designs on Harborfest’s Children’s Day.

FRIDAY, JULY 2; 1:00, 1:45, 2:30
A Visit with Paul Revere
Free with admission to the Revere House
Enjoy a visit with the famous patriot at his own home! Fascinating insights into Paul Revere’s story are revealed, as Mike Lepage brings to life the talented silversmith, midnight rider, and loving patriarch throughout his lively performance in the Revere House courtyard.

SATURDAY, JULY 3; 1:00-3:00
Concert of Colonial Dance Tunes and Love Songs by Al Petty
Free with admission to the Revere House
In the guise of an itinerant musician, Al Petty performs popular 18th century tunes such as  “Mr. Isaac’s Maggot” and “Jack’s Health” on the penny whistle, flute, and fife. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to tap your toes to the same cheerful music that celebrated July 4th centuries ago!

REVERE HOUSE AT A GLANCE: Located in Boston’s historic North End, the Revere House was home to Boston’s favorite patriot, Paul Revere, when he made his famous midnight ride. Restored primarily to Revere’s era, the house contains fascinating period furnishings including artifacts made and used by Paul Revere. In 2008, the Revere House celebrated one hundred years as a museum! For additional information please visit