Police & Fire

Weekly North End/Waterfront Police Log

Selected incidents from this week’s Boston Police Journal Log:

BPD - Boston Police Department Badge LogoAssault and Battery with a Deadly Weapon
10/18/09    2:38am
Male suspect arrested for assault & battery with a deadly weapon (shod foot – kicking someone when they are down, often with heavy boots) inside a Clinton Street garage. Victim treated for face and head injuries.

Drugs Possession Class D
10/21/09    2:20pm
Male suspect issued City ordinance violation for possession of less than an ounce of Class D marijuana on Holden Ct.

10/21/09    10:30pm
Male suspect fled Stillman Pl. after breaking the front passenger window of a 2003 Saab.

View the entire weekly police log.

One Reply to “Weekly North End/Waterfront Police Log

  1. Never actually knew what a "shod foot "was- thought it was some kind of garden tooL! Thanks Matt for clearing that up! Bruce

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