Arts & Culture Transportation

North End Movie Invasion – “The Town” Street Schedule

Over the next month, there will be a LOT of movie shoots in the North End. There are three productions scheduled to film in late September and early October. Here are the details on street closures, detours and all the info for amateur paparazzi.

The Town


This is the big budget movie that will most impact the North End with stars Ben Affleck, Rebecca Hall and Jon Hamm. From October 1 through 13, the production is proposing to have extensive street closings mostly around Salem Street and the area near Pizzeria Regina. Several North End streets will be impacted including N. Margin, Thacher, Parmenter, Snowhill, Charter, Foster, Margaret Streets. Filming will also occur from Commercial Street across the Charlestown Bridge which is a major fixture in the film. First and second units will be shooting at various times in different locations.

Cars with resident stickers will receive coupons to park elsewhere. Trash on closed streets will be picked up by the studios. Pedestrians traffic will generally be open except during actual filming. There is a “van blow-up/fire” scene, along with several car chases and stunts. Concerns can be relayed to the location manager, Patrick Mignano at 617-519-1545 or Patti Papa at City Hall 617-635-3911.

In a "Prince of Theives" remake, "The Town" Will Star Ben Affleck, Jon Hamm and Rebecca Hall
In a “Prince of Theives” remake, “The Town” Will Star Ben Affleck, Jon Hamm and Rebecca Hall

On Saturday 9/19,
the independent, low-budget movie named “Oxymoron” by North End local  Damien DiPaolo’s Moodswing Films will be filming on Prince Street from Commercial to Salem Street from 9am through 12 noon. No cars will need to be moved and a police detail will be on site. There will be a real gun on the scene as an actor falls on a car and gets chased down the street. Contact Jeremy Fiske at 508-864-6422 for more information.

Movie formerly known as Wichita
Starring Tom Cruse and Cameron Diaz, this project will not be filming in the North End, but rather at Hood business park on Rutherford Avenue near Sullivan Square. However, residents should be aware that Route 99 North and South will be closed on three consecutive Saturdays, October 3, 10 and 17. Luke Ramsey is the contact at 401-743-8387. They have set up a website for traffice information: (not working yet). This movie is also using 585 Commercial Street through November for their offices so watch out for commercial vehicles going in and out of this location. There already was an accident with a 20th Century Fox vehicle.