Community Health & Environment Police & Fire Real Estate

No Rush to Flush on Long Wharf

It’s just too easy to come up with clever little titles for this story in today’s Globe regarding the $300,000 city toilet under construction on Long Wharf by Christopher Columbus Park. The project has encountered one problem after another, keeping that area mostly fenced off for two years. There’s a quote in the article that reflects on how we have all become so conditioned to seeing something under construction in Boston and then assume it will be that way for years. At least taxpayers didn’t have to pay for the $300,000 restroom, although I’m sure there are some public works costs. And I wouldn’t feel too sorry for Wall Decaux, as their advertising contract with the city should pay off for years and years. This particular location is a bit suspect, in my opinion, because there are restrooms open to the public right inside the Marriott. It would have been easier to just put up a sign pointing to them.

I would write more, but I have to go to the bathroom.

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