In a unanimous vote of 8-0, the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) voted on Monday night to support a new beer and wine license for Scopa LLC. The new 22-seat, 450 square foot restaurant will be owned and operated by Gennaro Riccio in the space formerly occupied by Pomodoro Restaurant at 319 Hanover Street.
Scopa will be a “refined Italian restaurant” open for lunch and dinner, according to Riccio. Hours of operation are expected to be 11am-11pm Monday-Thursday and to midnight on weekends. There will be about 15 menu items and a selection of beer and wine offerings. Interior and exterior renovations are in progress with open style windows on the facade. Scopa is planning an opening in June 2015.
The license from Pomodoro is expected to be transferred to its new location at 204 Hanover Street. It is unknown whether a new CV 7-day Malt & Wine Beverage with Cordials license is available for Scopa from the Boston Licensing Board. The request is expected to be filed until one is available or an existing one can be purchased for transfer. The property at 319 Hanover Street is owned by the Riccio family as are most of the abutting buildings.
Gennaro Riccio is a current member of NEWNC who recused himself from this vote. The meeting was held on March 9, 2015.