Event Notices Food & Drink

“Scopa” Receives Neighborhood Council Support for New Restaurant on Hanover Street [Video]

In a unanimous vote of 8-0, the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) voted on Monday night to support a new beer and wine license for Scopa LLC. The new 22-seat, 450 square foot restaurant will be owned and operated by Gennaro Riccio in the space formerly occupied by Pomodoro Restaurant at 319 Hanover Street. Read More…

Event Notices

March 9th Council Agenda: Rep. Aaron Michlewitz, Beautification Committee, Scopa LLC License, Unity Court Zoning

North End/Waterfront Neighborhood Council Website: www.NEWNCBoston.org Email: info@newncboston.org NEWNC AGENDA Monday, March 9, 2015, 7:00PM Nazzaro Center, 30 North Bennet Street 1.   Welcome:  NEWNC President 2.   Call to order & Roll Call:  NEWNC President 3.   Meeting Protocol:  NEWNC Vice President 4.   Reports from the Offices of Local Elected Officials 5.   Committee Reports: a. Read More…

Event Notices Food & Drink

ZLC Committee to Hear New Liquor License Request for Scopa Restaurant at 319 Hanover Street

Zoning, Licensing & Construction (ZLC) Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 24, 2015 7:00 p.m. Mariner’s House, 11 North Square Zoning and Licensing Applications 319 Hanover Street. Scopa LLC, d/b/a Scopa, intends to file an application with the City of Boston Licensing Board, asking to be issued a new CV 7-Day Malt & Wine Beverages w/Cordials Read More…