Event Notices Food & Drink

ZLC Committee to Hear New Liquor License Request for Scopa Restaurant at 319 Hanover Street

Zoning, Licensing & Construction (ZLC) Committee

Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, February 24, 2015
7:00 p.m.
Mariner’s House, 11 North Square

Zoning and Licensing Applications

319 Hanover Street. Scopa LLC, d/b/a Scopa, intends to file an application with the City of Boston Licensing Board, asking to be issued a new CV 7-Day Malt & Wine Beverages w/Cordials License to be exercised at 319 Hanover Street, the former location of the restaurant Pomodoro. The manager of record will be Gennaro A. Riccio, who will own 100% of the business. The restaurant will have seating for 22 persons. The application, which has not been filed at this date, does not indicate the hours of operation being sought.

Anyone seeking further information should the attorney, Daniel J.Toscano, at 617-646-4428 or dtoscanolaw@gmail.com.

ZLC meetings are open to the public.

Abutters are encouraged to attend!

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