The Eucharistic Congress held a spiritual “Pray for Boston” candlelight procession on Saturday night through the streets of the North End. Taking place so soon after the Marathon bombings, the annual event had special meaning this year bringing together hundreds of young adults from the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston. Activities included service projects, a vigil mass by Cardinal Sean O’Malley and a keynote by Susan Conroy who worked alongside Mother Teresa. This was the 6th Annual Eucharistic Congress held in the North End at both St. Leonard and Sacred Heart Churches.
Click on any image to start a full screen slideshow. (Photos by Matt Conti)
Candlelight Vigil in North Square
Pray for Boston
Eucharistic Congress Procession on Hanover St.
Praying at St. Leonard’s Peace Garden
Eucharistic Procession on North Street
Pray for Boston
Eucharistic Congress at Sacred Heart Church
Praying in North Square
Pray for Boston Procession on Hanover Street
Lantern Carriers on Garden Court
Night Prayer in the Peace Garden
Tribute to Marathon Victims
Prayer at Saint Leonard Peace Garden
Vigil in the Peace Garden
Vigil in the Peace Garden
Prayer in front of Saint Leonard Church
Eucharistic Congress Vigil
Pray for Boston on Hanover Street
Vigil in North Square
Prayer in North Square
Candlelight Vigil in North End
Candlelight Vigil in North End
Candlelight Vigil in North End
Eucharistic Congress Candlelight Vigil in North End
Eucharistic Congress Candlelight Vigil in North End
Eucharistic Congress Candlelight Vigil in North End
Eucharistic Congress Candlelight Vigil in North End
Eucharistic Congress Candlelight Vigil in North End
Eucharistic Congress Candlelight Vigil in North End
Eucharistic Congress Candlelight Vigil in North End
Eucharistic Congress Candlelight Vigil in North End
Eucharistic Congress Candlelight Vigil in North End
Eucharistic Congress Candlelight Vigil in North End
Eucharistic Congress Candlelight Vigil in North End
Susan Conroy speaks at Sacred Heart about her work with Mother Teresa
Eucharistic Congress Candlelight Vigil in North End
Pray for Boston – Eucharistic Congress Candlelight Vigil in North End
Eucharistic Congress Candlelight Vigil in North End
Eucharistic Congress Candlelight Vigil in North End
Eucharistic Congress Candlelight Vigil in North End
This video highlights Opening Night, July 27th at the 2012 Saint Joseph’s Feast on Hanover Street in Boston’s North End. The ceremonies included the entrance of the statue of St. Joseph from the club to the feast chapel on Hanover Street, followed by a short procession with the North End Marching Band and the Italian Read More…
[responsive_youtube] With this year’s move of the St. Joseph’s Feast to October, there is an empty weekend in July without any feasts or saint processions. Instead, enjoy this selection of video clips from some of the religious processions so far in 2014. This video captures moments from the processions for Santa Maria di Anzano Read More…
The 107th Fisherman’s Feast featured the Grand Procession of the Madonna del Soccorso di Sciacca through the streets of Boston’s North End on August 20, 2017. The Fisherman’s Feast is the North End’s oldest continuously running Italian festival and one of the largest with four days of festivities on North, Lewis and Fleet Streets. The tradition goes back to the Read More…
One Reply to “Eucharistic Congress Candlelight “Pray for Boston” Procession in North End [Photos]”
This is beautiful … lovely procession.