The United States Navy Seals Parachute Team, known as the “Leap Frogs” parachuted from a plane at 6,000 feet down to Boston’s North End Puopolo Park on Tuesday July 3, 2012. The aerial demonstration was part of US Navy Week and the July 4th / Tall Ships celebrations. A large crowd of locals and visitors were at the ballfields to take in the demonstration. The U.S. Navy Band was also on hand to entertain after the show when the Navy Seals stuck around to meet and take photos with neighborhood kids and fans.
View the Community Calendar for more 4th of July events.
The photos below are roughly in the order of the demonstration by the US Navy Parachute Team. Make sure you scroll down to see the US Flag coming down with the last parachutist … quite a site to see!

Photos by Matt Conti. Download high resolution versions of these photographs for free and order prints/products here:
Looking at these photos makes me miss the SEAL TEAM reunions in California & Virginia <3.
Here we go again in N.E.