The City of Boston has extended the plastic bag ban ordinance exemption for all establishments through September 30, 2020. While customers are now allowed to bring their own reusable bags to stores again, this will not be required until September 30. This transition period will allow stores to use up any single-use plastic bags that Read More…
Tag: Plastic Bag Ban
Bag Ban Lifted for Essential Businesses During COVID-19
Mayor Walsh has announced that the ban on single-use plastic bags in the City of Boston has been temporarily lifted for essential businesses during the public health emergency of coronavirus. Boston’s plastic bag ordinance went into effect in December 2018 and was rolled out in stages through July 2019 to stores of all sizes. Consumers Read More…
Plastic Bag Ban Discussed at Neighborhood Council [Video]
Boston’s new plastic bag ban was discussed at the June 2019 meeting of the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC). Ian Donnelly, Special Assistant to the Commissioner, Boston Environment Department, spoke to the group about how City is communicating and enforcing the ban across businesses in Boston. To date, the city has not been Read More…
Plastic Bag Ban Updates Presented at Neighborhood Council
Stephanie Acquario, Boston’s Disposable Bag Reduction Coordinator, spoke at the January North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council meeting about the plastic bag ordinance that went into effect on December 14, 2018. The plastic bag ban requires all retailers in the City of Boston to transition away from plastic bags to paper, compostable or reusable bags Read More…
Reader Poll: How Is the Plastic Bag Ban Going?
Boston’s plastic bag ordinance went into effect December 14, banning plastic bags at check-out counters across the city. Retailers are now transitioning to paper, compostable or reusable bags that customers can purchase for a minimum of 5 cents. The purpose of the ban is to reduce plastic waste in the oceans and on our city Read More…
Wharf District Council Discusses James Hook Liquor License and Plastic Bag Ban
The Wharf District Council met Tuesday night, December 18, to discuss various issues related to the waterfront area and the city at-large. James Hook Lobster James Hook Lobster, located at 440 Atlantic Avenue, is looking to get a beer and wine license for their establishment. The license would be for 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day Read More…
Mayor’s Column: Reducing Disposable Bags in Boston
By Mayor Martin J. Walsh The City of Boston’s new plastic bag ordinance is a big step forward in our work to cut carbon emissions, reduce pollution, and create a cleaner, greener city. When the new ordinance goes into effect on December 14, 2018, stores in Boston will no longer provide plastic checkout bags to Read More…
Plastic Bag Ordinance Presented at Residents’ Association
Stephanie Acquario, Plastic Bag Reduction Coordinator for the City of Boston, presented details about the plastic bag ordinance that went into effect Friday, December 14, at the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association December meeting. Beginning Friday, December 14, every retailer in the city will be transitioning away from plastic bags to paper, compostable or Read More…
Ban on Single-Use Plastic Bags Moves Forward
By Andy Metzger Stores and restaurants in Massachusetts would be barred from giving customers single-use plastic bags under a bill that cleared a legislative committee last week and would align state law with local policies adopted from Northampton to Nantucket. In a Thursday poll, the Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture voted 13-1 to give the redrafted bill (H 2121) Read More…
Monday’s Brief: Plastic Bag Ban, BPS Reconsiders School Start Times, Silver Bells
Things to know for Monday Your daily roundup for Monday, December 18: On This Day… In 1995, the Ted Williams Tunnel connecting South Boston to East Boston opened after four years of work. Silver Bells: North End, Boston. Silver bells selfie. #citysidewalksmeet2 #igboston #nbcboston #iheartboston #Boston #visitboston #northendboston #ipulledoverforthis #igersnewengland #igersmass #ignewengland #boston_igers #pocket_family #picture_to_keep Read More…