Food & Drink Real Estate

Amid Confusion, Residents’ Association Defers Vote on Monica’s Mercato Pizza

After a confusing debate regarding alleged zoning issues at Monica’s Mercato Pizza in Boston’s North End, the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) deferred its vote pending clarification from City Hall. This is a follow-up discussion to a January 2015 vote where NEWRA supported Monica’s new pizzeria operating in the lower level of 130-130B on Salem Street at the Read More…

Event Notices Food & Drink Photos & Videos

Residents Group Supports Take Out at Monica’s Mercato Pizza [Video]

In a close vote of 16-15, the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) supported the application to allow for a take out permit for Monica’s Mercato new pizzeria, located at 130-130B Salem Street in Boston’s North End. The pizza shop is already in operation through a side door on Noyes Place and is part of the recently Read More…

Real Estate

Baldwin Place 5th Floor Addition Update at NEWRA [Video]

The North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) heard an update for proposed zoning relief to allow a fifth floor addition at 7 Baldwin Place, owned by Anthony Bova and represented by Attorney Daniel Toscano. NEWRA’s previous support was rescinded when a conditional agreement between the applicant and a Noyes Place abutter was not reached. Read More…

Real Estate

$1000 North End Bro Pad, Unofficial Roof Access, 420 Friendly, Rowdy on Weekends, All in Good Fun

I am going out on a limb and saying these North End residents on Noyes Place (at Salem Street) are not in favor of the proposed Nuisance Control Ordinance. $1000 Huge North End Bro Pad 1 bed available in a 4 bed apartment. Amazing apartment!!!! 2 floors, 2 living rooms, wrap around couch, surround sound, Read More…

Community Photos & Videos Real Estate

9 Noyes Place Receives Neighborhood Council Support for Basement Expansion

The North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council, NEWNC, heard the zoning relief application for 9 Noyes Place, Robert Griffin, at their monthly meeting held on February 13, 2012 at the Nazzaro Community Center. Mr. Gray, a contractor representing Mr. Griffin, spoke at the meeting with regards to the requested expansion of the 1st floor unit Read More…

Community Food & Drink Government Real Estate

Flash Report From Residents’ Association Meeting (NEWRA) on February 9, 2012

Requests by Contrada’s on Hanover St., Nick Varano’s Famous Deli on Cross St. and 9 Noyes Pl. all receive supportive votes from NEWRA members. The City’s Environmental Chief also communicates with the neighborhood.