Event Notices Meetings

June 11 Residents Association Agenda: Mayor Marty Walsh, Rep. Michlewitz, New England Aquarium, Dolce Liquor License, John Romano North End / Waterfront / West End Liaison

The North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, June 11th, 2020 beginning at 7:00 PM. The agenda, as well as Zoom login information, may be found below. Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh  Rep. Aaron Michlewitz Introduction – John Romano, our new North End/Waterfront/West End liaison, Office of Neighbhorhood Services, Read More…

Arts & Culture

2012 Feast Schedule, Groups, Tours and Site Updates

Hello NorthEndWaterfront.com Readers! It is after Memorial Day and that means time for summer in the North End! Here is a summer 2012 update, including new site updates. The 2012 North End Feast Schedule is now posted. This weekend brings the first religious procession of the summer festival season, with the procession of Santa Maria Read More…