Commentaries Real Estate

Open Letter to Mayor Walsh on the Former St. Leonard Rectory, 14 N. Bennet St.

By Thomas F. Schiavoni, Saint Leonard Church parishioner A revised variance request by Epsilon Partners for 6 luxury condominium units at the former Saint Leonard Rectory on North Bennet Street has met ongoing neighborhood resistance, including votes in opposition by NEWRA and NEWNC, as well as a second rejection by NEWNC on a revised proposal. A Read More…

Announcements Commentaries Event Notices

OpEd—14 N. Bennet St. Rectory Conversion ZBA Hearing, Nov. 10

By Ellen Hume The Zoning Board of Appeal will vote on November 10 on the proposal to turn the St. Leonard’s Rectory at 14 N Bennet St. into six condos, with no off-street parking, a new fifth story, and giant French Door windows with open balconies. We are inviting the neighborhood to attend the meeting Read More…

Featured Meetings Real Estate

Neighborhood Council Opposes Revised St. Leonard’s Rectory Conversion Proposal

A revised proposal for the former St. Leonard’s rectory at 14 N. Bennet St. was opposed 5-4 by the North End/ Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) during their monthly meeting on Monday evening. The proposal is requesting to change the legal occupancy of the building from a rectory to six residential units. The previous version, which Read More…


Open Letter to Mayor Walsh on the Proposed St. Leonard Rectory Conversion

By Thomas F. Schiavoni, Saint Leonard Church parishioner A variance request by Epsilon Partners for 6 to 8 luxury condominium units at the former Saint Leonard Rectory on North Bennet Street has met with significant neighborhood resistance, including votes in opposition by the Residents’ Association (NEWRA) and Neighborhood Council (NEWNC). The City of Boston Board Read More…

Featured Police & Fire

Police Blotter: Stolen Bike and Moped

The following are recent incidents reported by Boston Police District A-1 for the North End / Waterfront area. Larceny / Bike07/17 – 07/18/20    11:00 p.m. – 12:00 p.m.Victim reports his Giant (white and blue) mountain bike was stolen over the weekend. Victim locked his bike to a street sign pole in front of a Read More…

Community Featured Real Estate

Zoning Board of Appeal Hearing for St. Leonard’s Rectory Conversion Deferred Amid Neighborhood Opposition

Epsilon Partners requested a deferral for their Zoning Board of Appeal (ZBA) hearing on Tuesday, February 25, regarding the conversion of St. Leonard’s Rectory at 14 N. Bennet St. to residential units. The new hearing has been set for April 28, 2020 at 11:30am. Attorney Daniel Toscano, representative for Epsilon Partners, cited ongoing concerns from Read More…

Featured Meetings Real Estate

Residents Association Opposes 14 N. Bennet St. (Former St. Leonard’s Rectory) Conversion

Plans to covert the St. Leonard’s Rectory at 14. N. Bennet St. to eight residential units and a one-story addition with rear decks and roof decks were opposed by the North End/Waterfront Residents Association (NEWRA) at their December meeting. The proposal was presented by Attorney Daniel Toscano, representing George Kouris of Epsilon Partners. Also in Read More…

Featured Police & Fire

Police Blotter: Assault with Brick and Destruction of Excavator; Package Thefts

The following are recent incidents reported by Boston Police District A-1 for the North End / Waterfront area. Assault with Deadly Weapon (Brick) / Destruction of Property12/09/19 at 5:38 p.m.Male suspect arrested for assault with a deadly weapon and destruction of property on North St. The suspect was observed by an off duty officer damaging a heavy Read More…

Community Featured Meetings Real Estate

Neighborhood Council Opposes Rectory Conversion and Addition in Close Vote [Video]

A development proposal at 14 N. Bennet St., the former St. Leonard’s rectory in Boston’s North End, was met with skepticism by the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) which voted 5-4 to oppose the zoning variance application. The petitioner, George Kouris of Epsilon Partners, with architect Isaac Smith and attorney Daniel Toscano, presented Read More…

Community Featured

City Commission Votes to Study Nazzaro Center as a Boston Landmark

The Nazzaro Center building took a big step toward becoming a Boston Landmark, protecting its exterior from future change. After a stirring hearing, the Boston Landmarks Commission (BLC) voted unanimously on Tuesday night to take up a study that will likely recommend guidelines for the building be protected as a landmark. The property, located at Read More…

Police & Fire

Police Blotter: Warrant Arrest, Auto Theft and Stolen Phone

The following are recent incidents reported by Boston Police District A-1 for the North End / Waterfront area. Auto Theft10/11/18       5:20 p.m.Victim reports he was making a delivery on North Bennet Street and left the 2013 Mazda cx5 running in the street while he ran into the building. When he returned, the vehicle Read More…