Arts & Culture Featured

101st Anniversary of the Great Molasses Flood in Boston’s North End

January 15th is the anniversary of the Great Molasses Flood of 1919 in Boston’s North End. The United States Industrial Alcohol Company constructed a faulty 50 foot high steel tank in 1918 on Commercial Street near where Langone Park is located today. Twenty one people were killed and another 150 injured when the tank ruptured Read More…

Featured Photos & Videos

Historic Neighborhood Photo: Faneuil Hall Christmas Trees

Now that the New Year is in full swing, the holiday season is coming to an end, but this old photo might keep some of our readers in the festive spirit! Check out this picture from the 1930s when you could pick up a Christmas tree in Faneuil Hall! Who remembers this? Tune in each Read More…

Photos & Videos

Historic Neighborhood Photo: Engine 31 Firehouse

This week’s photo is of the Engine 31 firehouse along Commercial Street, just following 1919 Boston Molasses Disaster, when a holding tank burst and sent gallons of sticky liquid flooding the streets. The scene shown in this photo is significant because the Engine 31 firehouse was the site of one the major rescues during the disaster. Read More…

Photos & Videos

Historic Neighborhood Photo: Bartlett Place

You may have stumbled upon this old photo of Bartlett Place off Salem Street recently. That’s because it was the featured image for the presentation by Jerome Krase about America’s Little Italies that was organized by the North End Historical Society and the North End Branch Library back in September. This image is a great example of the change Read More…

Featured Photos & Videos

Historic Neighborhood Photo: North End Union Article

This week we have an article from 1982, submitted and written by Frank Conte, that describes the unique community that surrounded the North End Union in the neighborhood. From activities for children to senior recreation, it seems the Union really had something for everyone. It is described in the article as the “unchanging element in Read More…

Photos & Videos Schools

Historic Neighborhood Photo: North Bennet Street School

Take a look at this photo of the North Bennet Street School back in 1892! The school was originally known as the North End Industrial Home and first opened as a settlement house for immigrants. Since the schools founding, it has been known for its vocational training for students. Although the type of classes offered at the Read More…

Community Photos & Videos

Historic Neighborhood Photo: Gus P. Napoli Square, Sunday Morning by Jules Aarons, Part 4

Wrapping up our Jules Aarons photo series, this week we have an iconic neighborhood photo of a Sunday morning on the corner of Gus P. Napoli Square. This is the corner of Moon Street and North Square, across the street from Sacred Heart Church. Look closely at how Aarons was able to capture the facial expressions Read More…