Business Featured Food & Drink

Neighborhood Council & Residents’ Association Support Forcella Extension

The North End/ Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) and the North End/ Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) both voted unanimously to support the extension of Forcella restaurant into an adjacent space at 37 North Square. The restaurant presently occupies approximately 400 square feet with twenty-eight seats pre-COVID. Due to the current physical distancing requirements, Forcella’s existing space Read More…

Business Photos & Videos

Neighborhood Photo: Forcella Sign at Former Carmen Trattoria

Carmen Trattoria closed its doors at 33 North Square back in July 2016 after 16 years of business in the North End. Adam Castiglioni recently noticed a new sign for Forcella at this location. Forcella’s website is still under construction, but it does indicate the restaurant will be opening soon at North Square. “Neighborhood Photo” is a Read More…