Health & Environment

Neighbors Ask City to Address Condition of Cutillo Park and Morton Street

Neighbors of Cutillo Park and Morton Street say the area has become a neighborhood dumping ground attracting drug use and other illegal activity. A letter from a 28-unit condo building at 26 Stillman Street describes the situation. “Morton Street and Cutillo Park are generally covered with trash of all types, hypodermic needles, dead rats, dog Read More…

Community Event Notices Health & Environment

Parks Meeting Addresses Deteriorating Condition of North End Parks & Open Spaces

A large crowd of North End residents gathered on Tuesday night to discuss how to improve the neighborhood’s parks and playgrounds. The meeting was chaired by Anne M. Pistorio of the NEWRA Parks and Open Spaces Committee. Special guest speakers were Parks Commissioner Antonia Pollak and City Councilor Sal LaMattina. Commissioner Pollak thanks North End Read More…

Community Health & Environment

“Sticky, Stinky Berries” at Cutillo Park & What’s With the Knights?

A Citizens Connect user posts from Morton St. about the “sticky stinky berries” at Cutillo Park. Sticky stinky berries! And three christmas trees! Please clean out park before a big snow! On Universal Hub, where this was posted as the Complaint of the Day, an anonymous commenter adds another North End complaint: My North End Read More…