Boston City Council met last week to discuss animal care and control in the city. Representative Lydia Edwards was in attendance to ask specific questions as the conversation related to North End residents. A major takeaway from the discussion was the focus on the Norwegian rat problem in the neighborhood and city at large. Inspectional Read More…
Tag: City Councilor Lydia Edwards
From the Councilor: Budget Allocations, Repaying Back Taxes, 100 Hood Park Parcel, Action on Little Mystic Land and More
April Newsletter from City Councilor Lydia Edwards: The City Council began its budget proceedings this past week and I am excited to analyze exactly where every dollar is spent to maintain a world class city like Boston. Until the end of June, my colleagues and I will be hearing from City departments and experts who will testify on the $3.29 billion dollars of Read More…
North End Spring Reception in Support of Councilor Lydia Edwards on May 2nd
*Sponsored Post* A North End spring reception in support of City Councilor Lydia Edwards will be held at The Living Room (101 Atlantic Ave.) on Wednesday, May 2 from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. See the full invite below, including the donation link. To RSVP, please contact Melissa Morel at This event is hosted by Senator Read More…
City Councilor Edwards to Hold Hearing on Housing Speculation April 3
The Committee on Housing and Community Development, chaired by City Councilor Lydia Edwards, will hold a hearing on Tuesday, April 3, on housing speculation and other trends affecting residents and the real estate market. This includes displacement of communities, proliferation of luxury units and whether the standards of affordability in new development match incomes of current Read More…
From the Councilor: One Charlestown, Short-Term Rentals, Boston’s Housing Market, Annual Scholarship to Honor Maverick Street Mothers and More
March Newsletter from City Councilor Lydia Edwards: I’m excited to provide an update on everything that’s happened in the month of March in the Boston City Council, District One, and beyond. Earlier this month, I held my first hearing as chair on the redevelopment of One Charlestown in the Charlestown community. We had a thoughtful conversation that included BHA residents, Read More…
From the Councilor: One Charlestown, Noyes Playground, Short-Term Rentals, Suffolk Downs and More
February Newsletter from City Councilor Lydia Edwards: February may be the shortest month of the year but it’s been a busy couple of weeks in the Council. Earlier this month, I vice-chaired a hearing on short-term rental regulations in the City of Boston. If you missed it, watch it here and skip to the 16-minute mark to hear my questions on enforcement, investor Read More…
Councilor Edwards Launches Local Art Contest for Display at City Hall
Boston City Councilor Lydia Edwards is calling for local artwork submissions from the community as part of a contest to find defining district one displays for her office at Boston City Hall. “I’m searching for creative pieces of art to highlight what makes Charlestown, East Boston, and the North End special places to live. As Read More…
City Councilor Edwards Discusses Housing, AirBnBs, Parking and Trash at Neighborhood Council Meeting
Lydia Edwards joined the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council meeting on Monday, February 12, to provide city council updates and answer questions from attendees. Watch the full video here and follow along with the summary below. (0:13) Lydia Edwards is the Chair of Housing and Community Development for the City of Boston and has Read More…
Thursday’s Brief: Property Speculation Taxes, Neighborhood History, New Opera Season Details
Things to know for Thursday It’s Thursday, January 25 and if you’re a fan of the Opera then you’re in luck because I have some news for you! The Boston Lyric Opera just released new details about its Spring 2018 season. This upcoming season will feature two new productions, one being the theater-staple The Threepenny Read More…
City Councilor Lydia Edwards Appointed to Boston’s Neighborhood Housing Trust
Boston City Councilor Lydia Edwards was sworn in by city clerk Maureen Feeney on Wednesday to serve on the Boston’s Neighborhood Housing Trust (NHT). The trust, established in 1983 and revamped to suit the city’s growing population in 2001 and 2013, prioritizes funding for affordable and workforce units throughout the City by working with developers Read More…
City Councilor Edwards Announces Snow Angel Community Service Program
Newly inaugurated Boston City Councilor Lydia Edwards announced a district-wide initiative – the “Snow Angels” program – aimed to serve our most vulnerable neighbors during the winter months and connect residents through community service. The “Snow Angels” program will connect elderly and disabled residents unable to shovel in front of their homes to on-call, neighborhood Read More…