Two expert organizations on climate change and sea level rise have raised concerns regarding the proposed Lewis Wharf hotel project. The Boston Harbor Association (TBHA) and the Conservation Law Foundation believe the project would set a poor precedent for climate change preparedness on Boston’s waterfront. The hotel buildings could be vulnerable to damage from extreme storms, according to Read More…
Tag: Chapter 91
Municipal Harbor Planning Framework and Chapter 91 Presented for Downtown Waterfront [Video]
[responsive_youtube] Getting down to what was described as the “meat” of the planning process, the Downtown Waterfront Municipal Harbor Planning Advisory Committee met on April 23, 2014 to review a draft framework for the standards that will be applied to the parcel specific planning process. A video timeline summary is noted below. 00:00 Introduction Read More…
State Agency Determines that Commercial to Residential Changes at Commercial Wharf Need Chapter 91 License
Boston Yacht Haven received a positive ruling from a State agency in its ongoing Chapter 91 disputes with the Commercial Wharf East Condo Association. The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has made a “positive” determination that “changes in use from commercial to residential in thirty-six (36) units subsequent to January 1, 1984″… “require a Departmental Read More…
Commercial Wharf / Yacht Haven – Document Review of Chapter 91 Request for Determination
Residents and businesses at or near Commercial Wharf will be interested in these recent public filings at the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). The primary stakeholders are Boston Boat Basin, LLC, owners of Yacht Haven marina, and CWECA, the condominium association at Commercial Wharf. In addition, there is an ongoing dispute regarding Harborwalk access and Read More…
Boston Boat Basin LLC Files Application Regarding Chapter 91 License at Commercial Wharf
Note: Boston Boat Basin LLC is the owner of Yacht Haven, the marina at Commercial Wharf. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WATERWAYS REGULATION PROGRAM Notice of a Request for Determination of Applicability pursuant to M. G. L. Chapter 91 File No. JD11-3456 Applicant: Boston Boat Basin LLC, 87 Commercial Wharf, Boston, MA 02110 Location of site: Read More…
Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce Advising Chapter 91 Changes for Waterfront Development
The Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce has published testimony in support of S. 371, An Act to Revitalize the Commonwealth’s Waterfronts. S. 371 would give local zoning authorities the ability to regulate interior ground floor uses rather than the broad-based rules under Chapter 91 for facilities of public accommodation (FPA). The Chamber contends: When the Read More…
Court Rules in Favor of “North End Ten” Against the BRA’s Plan for Doc’s Long Wharf
A group of neighborhood residents, locally known as the “North End Ten,” scored a major win in Superior Court against the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA). The action stops the development of a proposed 220-seat waterfront restaurant, Doc’s Long Wharf, on the end of Boston’s Long Wharf, subject to a possible appeal. In a June 10, Read More…