Boston Public Schools has announced that the North End’s Eliot K-8 Innovation School is one of three BPS schools selected to have an extended school day as part of the TIME Collaborative. Expanding the typical 6 hour school day, the initiative will start in the 2014-2015 school year by adding 300 hours of learning time Read More…
Tag: BPS
Boston Public Schools Back-to-School Hotline is Up and Running
News release from Boston Public Schools: Boston Public Schools back-to-school hotline up and running Operators answered 599 calls on first day Boston Public Schools (BPS) Superintendent Carol R. Johnson announced Wednesday that the back-to-school hotline (617-635-9046) is up and running. On Monday, the first day of operation, the operators fielded 599 calls. Multi-lingual operators are Read More…
City Agrees to North End Eliot School Expansion Through $11.35 Million Swap With North Bennet Street School
The following press release from the City of Boston details terms of today’s $11.35 million agreement of a building and cash swap, including the city owned 150 North St. and 130-140 Richmond St., in exchange for four buildings owned by the North Bennet Street School. The swap will allow for a substantial expansion of the Read More…
BPS Launches Online Surveys on School Climate and Student Assignment
News from Boston Public Schools: BPS launches two on-line surveys to gather feedback on school climate and improvements to student assignment Our Current Parent School Climate Survey is only open to current BPS parents and asks questions about the school your child attends. Different versions of this survey are being offered to students and teachers, who will receive Read More…
Boston Public Schools Hosting Community Meetings on New Assignment System
North End / Waterfront and Eliot School parents might want to take part in these community meetings on Saturday, April 28, 2012 with Boston Public Schools regarding changes to the school assignment system. There is also an online survey at: Details from BPS below: BPS is creating a new school assignment system and we Read More…
Upcoming School Registrations & Open Houses for North End Area Schools
Boston Public Schools’ Round One registration for the next school year 2012-2013 is Jan. 3-Feb. 3. To learn more about the schools you and your child can choose from, visit the new Your child must turn 4 by September 1st, 2012 in order to register for the public K1. There are limited K0 and Read More…
Eliot School to Expand Classes Using Space at North Bennet Street School
As a short-term solution to expand the North End’s Eliot School, Boston Public Schools announced that three new classrooms will be made available at the North Bennet Street School for the 2011-2012 school year. “While the district searches for a long-term solution to address the increased demand at the highly-successful Eliot K-8 School in the Read More…