Featured Meetings Real Estate

Chiofaro’s Harbor Garage “Pinnacle” Team Present on Public Realm, Climate and Transportation

Representatives from The Chiofaro Company and the Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA) hosted a virtual open house on Thursday evening to discuss The Pinnacle at Central Wharf project. The Pinnacle project, having recently gone through a new series of public engagement sessions, has continued to drive discussion and create community debate. Thursday’s meeting featured Read More…

Event Notices Real Estate

Dock Square Garage Impact Advisory Group Meeting Oct. 6

The BPDA (Boston Planning and Development Agency) will host a virtual Impact Advisory Group (IAG) Meeting, open to the public, for the Dock Square Garage (20 Clinton St.) project on Tuesday, October 6th 2020 from 6:00PM to 8:00PM. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the Notice of Project Change (NPC) filing for the Read More…

Community Featured Meetings

Wharf District Council Reports: State Rep. Michlewitz, Pinnacle at Central Wharf, New Public Art, Water Taxi Service Paused

The Wharf District Council (WDC) held its September meeting on Tuesday, September 15th via Zoom. A number of notable reports and community updates were included as part of a full agenda. Update From State Representative Aaron Michlewitz Unpacking issues related to the state budget in his capacity as the Chairman of the Ways and Means Read More…

Event Notices

Wharf District Council Sept. 15 Agenda: State Rep. Michlewitz, Cannabis Dispensary, Lily’s Pizza, Central Wharf Park Exhibit, Harbor Garage Project Update

The Wharf District Council will host their September meeting on Tuesday, September 15 from 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. virtually on Zoom. See the full agenda and Zoom login information posted below. Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/91672218172?pwd=RWkrZ1RDb3MwVEhtZHJ0QjB3T0ZXUT09 Meeting ID: 916 7221 8172 Passcode: 466830 For telephone calls:  Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aHdmZj5w9

Featured Meetings Transportation

Residents’ Association Hears Updates on N. Washington St. Bus Lane Proposal

Boston Transportation Department (BTD) Transit Team Director Matt Moran and Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA) Transportation Planner Jack Halverson joined the North End/ Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) during their monthly meeting to provide updates on the proposed N. Washington Street bus lane. See the full video at the bottom of this page or find Read More…

Featured Meetings Real Estate

Hundreds Zoom in for Harbor Garage Redevelopment Meeting on Chiofaro’s Pinnacle Project

The Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) held a virtual meeting on Wednesday evening to update the Chiofaro Company’s proposal on Pinnacle at Central Wharf project, intent on replacing the Harbor Garage. With BPDA public meetings resuming, the September 9th Harbor Garage Redevelopment Meeting, a successor to the public meeting held in February, saw plenty of Read More…

Event Notices

Harbor Garage Redevelopment Meeting Sept. 9

The BPDA (Boston Planning and Development Agency) will host a virtual public meeting on Wednesday, September 9 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. to discuss the Harbor Garage Redevelopment Project. The proposed project will include approximately 865,000 square feet of residential (approximately 200 units), office, and ground-floor retail and other uses, in a single building Read More…

Featured Meetings

Wharf District Council June Reports: Police Update, MBTA Ferries Resuming, Aquarium Reopening Plans

The Wharf District Council (WDC) held its June meeting on Tuesday, June 16, via Zoom. A number of notable reports and community updates were included as part of a full agenda. Boston Police – Public Safety Report Captain Fong, who is set to retire Friday, delivered his final active duty police report. One International Place Read More…

Featured Meetings

City Hall Plaza Renovation Update; Construction to Begin in April

Boston’s Public Facilities Department, Boston Planning and Development Association (BPDA), and Sasaki Architects recently provided an update on the City Hall Renovation Project, due to begin construction in April. The project is currently in Phase 1, preceded by the establishment of an RCP (Refined Conceptual Plan). Next there will be a 10-month design documentation chapter Read More…

Featured Real Estate

Harbor Garage Redevelopment Meeting Draws Maxed Out Crowd

The Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) held a town hall-style hearing at the Long Wharf Marriott on Thursday evening to discuss the Chiofaro Company’s proposed Pinnacle at Central Wharf. The room was filled to capacity with several individuals being turned away, prompting the BPDA to call for a repeat meeting of the hearing at Read More…

Event Notices

New Date: Harbor Garage Redevelopment Public Meeting Feb. 27

The Boston Planning & Development Agency has rescheduled the public meeting about the redevelopment of the Harbor Garage to Thursday, February 27 from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. in the Harbor View Ballroom, Marriott Hotel Long Wharf, 296 State Street, Boston, MA 02109. The project description states it will include approximately 865,000 square feet of residential Read More…

Community Meetings

Seaplane Docking Trial Approved at Long Wharf in Downtown Boston

Cape Air received final approval for a one-year trial to use Boston Waterboat Marina located at 66 Long Wharf for docking purposes. The move comes just after the FAA and Coast Guard authorized seaplane flights between Boston Harbor and New York’s East River. Releasing a memo this week, the Boston Planning and Development (BPDA) Board Read More…