Featured Transportation

Debut of Northern Avenue Bridge Design Creates Debate Over Costs, Vision Zero Goals

City officials and project leaders recently presented their latest plans for the Northern Avenue Bridge Project with a design that takes a “people-first approach.” Comprised of two spans referred to as ribbons flanking a decorative truss, one span is exclusively reserved for pedestrians (facing the Harbor/Rowes Wharf) while the other consolidates a single lane designated Read More…

Event Notices

July 13th Council Agenda: Bike / Cycle Track, Outdoor Concerts at Lovejoy, Snow Hill and Wiget St. Zoning

North End/Waterfront Neighborhood Council Website: www.NEWNCBoston.org Email: info@newncboston.org NEWNC AGENDA Monday, July 13, 2015, 7:00PM Nazzaro Center, 30 North Bennet Street 1.  Welcome:  NEWNC President 2.  Call to order & Roll Call:  NEWNC President 3.  Meeting Protocol:  NEWNC Vice President 4.  Committee Reports: a. Resident Parking/Traffic Committee: Ryan Kenny b. Public Safety Committee:  Sean Hennessey c. Greenway Committee: Read More…

Event Notices

January 12th Council Agenda: Michelle Wu, Monica’s Mercato Pizza Take-Out, Design of Charlestown Bridge

North End/Waterfront Neighborhood Council Website: www.NEWNCBoston.org Email: info@newncboston.org NEWNC AGENDA Monday, January 12, 2015, 7:00PM Nazzaro Center, 30 North Bennet Street 1.   Welcome:  NEWNC President 2.   Call to order & Roll Call:  NEWNC President 3.   Meeting Protocol:  NEWNC Vice President 4.   Reports from the Offices of Local Elected Officials 5.   Committee Reports: a. Read More…