Arts & Culture Food & Drink

“Dining Out in Boston” Book Talk Draws Crowd to Mariner’s House [Photos]

James C. O’Connell spoke about his new book, “Dining Out in Boston: A Culinary History” at a special book talk sponsored by the North End Historical Society on November 16th at the Mariner’s House in North Square. Dining Out in Boston is a comprehensive historical overview of the development of Boston’s restaurants. The book uses an Read More…

Event Notices Photos & Videos

North End Historical Society Hosts Essdras Suarez, Pulitzer Prize-Winning Photojournalist

The North End Historical Society is pleased to host Essdras Suarez, Pulitzer Prize-Winning Photojournalist, for a an hour lecture and presentation entitled “Through the Eyes of the Photojournalist” on Saturday, June 3, 2017 at 10:00 a.m., at the Mariners House, 11 North Square, Boston, MA 02113. In addition, Mr. Suarez will be offering two Street-Photography Read More…

Arts & Culture

“Boston’s North End: An Italian American Story” Film Now Available on DVD

Produced by the North End Historical Society, Boston’s North End: An Italian American Story is the first feature length, high definition film to chronicle the vibrant Italian American community that has called the North End of Boston home for well over 100 years. The documentary movie is based on historical records and interviews with Italian American North Enders and their descendants, ranging Read More…

Family Roots Lecture Hosted by North End Historical Society

by Meredith Halsey On the evening of November 14, 2013, the North End Historical Society and the Mariners House presented a hands-on lecture on tracing your Italian family roots. Rhonda McClure, a nationally-recognized expert from the New England Historic Genealogical Society, conducted the program. Ms. McClure began the program with tips on how to start Read More…