Returning from travel, I am always glad when my plane touches down at Logan. I have loved living in the North End these past 30 years. I have known why from the start but the 70 inches of snow in the last two weeks, with much more on the way, has driven the point home Read More…
Author: James Ring
Necessary Assets: Keeping Our Perspective
It is difficult to follow news of the recent Paris terrorist attack without having our own negative emotional response. We feel anger, disgust at the barbarity of the event, helplessness, and yes, even fear. We again must face the fact that life is truly fragile and terrorism is a concrete threat to all no matter Read More…
Necessary Assets: Ebola Reveals Heroes
Professional sports figures generally serve as heroes for only a short time depending on their ability to sustain an extraordinary high level of play and good health. We raise these athletes to hero status because they have done something we and most others cannot. They add value to our sports entertainment lives. Who are our Read More…
Necessary Assets: Of Two Minds
Today is another glorious day of sunny, post summer – pre fall weather to be fully enjoyed knowing what lies ahead. I wanted to think only positive thoughts as I prepared to write my blog. I sought a mental state to match the magic of the day. My mind was not prepared to cooperate. News Read More…
From Al-Qaeda Offshoot to Caliphate
The Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (IS) advertises its murderous, brutal, and inhuman behavior to the world through its internet postings and social media. They offer video tapes of their outrageous conduct including two beheadings of captured news reporters. IS does what every terrorist aspires to achieve; instill fear in anyone who would oppose Read More…
Pope Francis and the Mafia
On June 21, 2014, while on a visit to Calabria, Italy, home of the Mafia ‘Ndrangheta, Pope Francis spoke to all Italians, and the world, clearly defining the status of Mafia groups with the Catholic Church. “Those who go down the evil path, as the Mafiosi do, are not in communion with God. They are Read More…