Our St. Leonard’s Parish family held an appreciation meeting on September 24th to celebrate and thank all the volunteers who have worked relentlessly to help the community grow over the past years.
A special dedication was given to honor two special lifetime volunteers for their decades of selfless service: Barbara Maldero and Connie Angiulo. Both have been outstanding examples of dedication and generosity.

Barbara Maldero, among her many contributions:
- Introduced the St. Anthony Holy Oil as a way to celebrate the saint and perpetuate his devotion.
- Was a member of Catholics of St. Stephens.
- Was president of the Pastoral Counsel of St. Leonard.
- Began a sewing group at the Center and sent finished items to poor countries in the missions.
- Started “Pennies from Heaven” and sent the money to the poor and unwed mothers.
- Contributed and continues to contribute money to our Latin American missions.
- Contributed to a book: The World Before Plastic
- Headed St. Damian Society for 20 years and made rolled bandages for the lepers to use and held fund raisers for the same purpose.

Connie Angiulo, among her many contributions:
- Started and organized the first spaghetti suppers at St. Leonard’s over 35 years ago with about 7/8 other women parishioners (among them Barbara Maldero).
- Ran numerous fundraisers every year by way of local fashion shows, cocktail receptions and dinners.
- Co-chaired, with Elmer Capodilupo, St. Leonard’s yearly Dinner Dance Reunion held at the Dorothy Quincy Suite. It was the largest, with a sell out crowd of 600 people.
- Was a member of the Children of Mary Society
- Was quite a stitcher, for many years she made the Baptismal Robes for babies being Baptized at St. Leonard’s.
Volunteers are not paid, not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless.