Featured Police & Fire

Police Blotter: Theft From Building Storage Container; Breaking & Entering of Motor Vehicle

The following are recent incidents reported by Boston Police District A-1 for the North End / Waterfront area.

Breaking & Entering  / Commercial
09/01/20          2:30 a.m. – 5:00 a.m.
Male suspect was caught on video footage removing construction tools, two tents, camping gear, a ladder, and a silver bicycle from a Salem Street building storage container. Police officers recovered all of the property in a nearby alley except for the bicycle.

Breaking & Entering—Motor Vehicle
09/01–09/02/20        7:45 p.m. – 6:45 a.m.
Victim reports his 2019 Chevrolet Silverado was parked at the corner of Cross & Salem Streets. Victim stated that when he returned to his pickup truck in the morning, the driver’s side door lock was damaged. Removed from the vehicle were an iPhone and two cartons of cigarettes.

6 Replies to “Police Blotter: Theft From Building Storage Container; Breaking & Entering of Motor Vehicle

    1. MichaelD, No truer words were ever spoken or written. The No. End is loaded with Junkies coming in from all over, trying to get into buildings, cars, etc. to support their habit. Thank God
      we have a Great Police Dept. & a Wonderful Police Commissioner.

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