
Boston College High School Robotics Team Assists with St. John School Online Learning

Students from the FIRST Robotics team, FRC3958 “Schrödinger’s Cat,” from Boston College High School (BC High) safely volunteered their time and skills to assist Saint John School in preparing for the upcoming school year.  

Willem Lenig, Avery Jennings, and Liam Walsh of BC High Robotics having a Zoom “meeting” with other BC High Robotics team members at Saint John School.

Saint John School, located in Boston’s North End, will open for in-person learning on September 9th while, at the same time, offering the option of remote learning. The students set up and tested Zoom on iPads in all of the classrooms and confirmed the broadband by having “meetings” with other members of the robotics team, who were off-site.

Everything worked smoothly and everyone is looking forward to the exciting new school year!