Daily Briefs

Wednesday’s Brief: Facial Surveillance Vote, Harbor Use Public Forum, Licensing Board Emergency Hearing, Online Book Discussion Club

Today is Wednesday, June 24 and Boston City Council will be voting today on whether or not to ban the use of facial surveillance technology throughout the city, continue reading on WBUR.

Here’s what else you need to know for today…

8:30AM Virtual Harbor Use Public Forum: Chapter 91 during COVID. Join Boston Harbor Now for a conversation with Daniel Padien, Waterways Program Chief of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP). He will share some of his observations about accessing public amenities in the time of COVID and his plans to advance the Waterways Program, see additional details here.

2:00PM Licensing Board Emergency Hearing for North End Restaurants. In response to “numerous complaints received by the Board and the Inspectional Services Department (ISD),” the licensing board has called a mandatory emergency virtual meeting for all North End restaurants with liquor licenses regarding the outdoor cafe zones, see additional details here.

7:00PM Online Book Discussion Club: In the Distance by Hernan Diaz. A young Swedish immigrant finds himself penniless and alone in California. The boy travels East in search of his brother, from whom he was separated in the crowds and chaos during their journey across the sea. In the Distance is available in eBook form on Hoopla: www.hoopladigital.com/title/13312155, which you can access with your library card and pin number. If you don’t yet have a library card, you can get one here: www.bpl.org/ecard/. We meet and discuss on Zoom, and the Zoom invite will be emailed to you prior to the meeting.

Children’s Rock Garden:


Plan your events with the Community Calendar:

Thursday, June 25

12:30PM A Conversation with Author Ben Mezrich: The Mechanic. Join the USS Constitution virtually as we sit down with Ben Mezrich, international best-selling author, for a deeper dive into The Mechanic, a novella written for and published exclusively by The Boston Globe this spring, see additional details here.

5:30PM NEMPAC “Ask an Expert” Series: Artistic Resiliency and Opportunity Creation in the Covid-19 Era. Join moderators Alexandra Dietrich and Heather Gallagher for our next Ask An Expert Series. Their guests include costume designer and descendant of famed suffragette Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Brooke Stanton; tenor and creator of SparrowLive, Fran Rogers; and conductor and Artistic Director of the LatinX Orchestra Unitas Ensemble, Lina Gonzalez-Granados. The discussion will include the loss of jobs for independently contracted artists, correlating careers that sprang from the industry crumble, and how to remain resilient in the time of reconstructing the Arts post-COVID. Zoom Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/78083586393 Password: Expert

Friday, June 26

10:00AM Celebrating What Unites Us! At-Home Cooking with Oldways. Join the Friends of the Armenian Heritage Park for a special at-home Celebrating What Unites Us! program to keep us connected, coming together.  Each week a Chef from OLDWAYS shows us how to prepare a delicious meal, celebrating the cultural heritage of many residents of the City of Boston and beyond. This week’s theme is veggie/vegan, see additional details here.

11:00AM Greenway Carousel Reopens. The Greenway Carousel will reopen for the 2020 season on Friday, June 26, 2020 on a limited weekend schedule. 11am – 6pm Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, see additional details here.

Keep up with what’s happening on the Events Calendar.

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